Nay: "What if I had the power to bring back the dead?"
Me: "That'd be kinda nasty Nay."
Nay: "What if i could bring them back and they weren't....."
Me: "Gross?"
Nay: "Yea."
Me: "You'd be the richest man alive bud."
Nay: "I'd bring back Mr. Kevin. You remember Mr. Kevin dad?"
It's hard to drive and try not to cry. It seems I get plenty of practice.
Kevin made quite an impact on Nathan. He didn't do it purposefully. He was just being Kevin.
Kevin went to church with us for a time and lead a ministry that fed the homeless one Saturday every month under an overpass. It's important to note that Kevin wasn't rich. He may have squeaked in just above the middle class line. It didn't matter. He partnered with churches and got people fed and clothed from donations.
Nathan LOVED feeding the homeless. He didn't mind helping set up and tear down, but he wasn't happy unless he was involved in physically giving something from his hand to theirs. He wasn't satisfied unless he had direct, personal contact with those he was serving.
My ego would like me to think that I somehow taught him this. In truth, I think it was Kevin. He changed my son in a way he'll never know.
Kevin was taken from us in a motorcycle accident two years ago. He left behind a teen daughter and an amazing wife. His passing hurt. It still does. He showed the power of one guy doing what he believed was right. He changed my son for the better.
Here's the thing. Kevin never set out to change my son's world. He was living out his faith and just being Kevin. In doing so, he left a legacy that he will never know about. May we all have such impact.
Nay still misses him. So does Nay's dad.
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